miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Specification of a Smart Classroom Based on Agent Communities

Authors: Jose Aguilar, Luis Chamba-Eras,  Jorge Cordero

For the development of distributed applications, it is required to define a formalization of the process of implementation. Particularly, we are interested in one type of Ambient Intelligence (AmI), the Smart Classroom. In this paper we propose the implementation of a Smart Classroom, called SaCI, using the concept of communities of agents. With this concept, we carry out the definition and implementation of sets of agents according to their roles, functionalities, characteristics, among others, in SaCI. Each community can be designed and implemented independently and later be integrated in SaCI. In this paper we present this approach and its implementation in SaCI.

Smart educational environment, Multi-agent system, Ambient intelligence



Cloud Computing in Smart Educational Environments: Application in Learning Analytics as Service

Authors: Manuel Sánchez, Jose Aguilar, Jorge Cordero, Priscila Valdiviezo-Díaz, Luis
Barba-Guamán, Luis Chamba-Eras

In this paper, we present an extension of a Middleware for Smart Educational Environments based in agents, using the paradigm of Cloud Computing. In that sense, we detail the Middleware components, which enable the process of management of the Cloud Computing. We also present the utilization of this Middleware to provide services on the cloud about task of Learning Analytics that allow processing of data of students and learning environments, to understand and optimize the learning processes.

Cloud computing, Smart educational environment, Learning analytics


DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31232-3_94