A smart classroom integrates the different components in a traditional classroom, by using different technologies as artificial intelligence, ubiquitous, and cloud paradigms, among others, in order to improve the learning process. On the other hand, the learning analytics tasks are a set of tools that can be used to collect and analyze the data accumulated in a smart classroom. In this paper, we propose the definition of the learning analytics tasks as services, which can be invoked by the components of a smart classroom. We describe how to combine the cloud and multi-agent paradigms in a smart classroom, in order to provide academic services to the intelligent and non-intelligent agents in the smart classroom, to adapt and respond to the teaching and learning requirements of students. Additionally, we define a set of learning analytics tasks as services, which defines a knowledge feedback loop for the smart classroom, in order to improve the learning process in it, and we explain how they can be invoked and consumed by the agents in a smart classroom.
Keywords: Learning analytics as service, Smart classroom, Cloud computing, Ambient intelligences
Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10209-017-0525-0
Other link: Learning analytics tasks as services in smart classrooms