jueves, 24 de agosto de 2017

Different Intelligent Approaches for Modeling the Style of Car Driving

Authors: Jose Aguilar, Kristell Aguilar, Danilo Chávez, Jorge Cordero and Eduard Puerto

In this paper, we propose a hierarchical pattern of the style of driving, which is composed of three levels, one to recognize the emotional state, other to recognize the state of the driver, and finally, the last one corresponds to the style of driving. Each level is defined by different types of descriptors, which are perceived in different multi-modal ways (sound, vision, etc.). Additionally, we analyze three techniques to recognize the style of driving, using our hierarchical pattern, one based on fuzzy logic, another based on chronicles (a temporal logic paradigm), and another based on an algorithm that models the functioning of the human neocortex, exploiting the idea of recursivity and learning in the recognition process. We compare the techniques considering the dynamic context where a car driver operates.

Keywords: Hierarchical Patterns, Fuzzy Logic, Chronicles, Dynamic Pattern Recognition, Style of Driving

Link: http://www.scitepress.org/DigitalLibrary/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=pKH2LWLdplY%3d&t=1

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